Bringing You a World of Independence

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Attention Collier and Lee County residents.

2025 Community Health Survey

Let's build a healthier community together! We're partnering with NCH, the Florida Department of Health in Collier County, and the Healthcare Network to conduct a community survey on healthcare needs in Collier and Lee Counties. Your participation is crucial in identifying gaps in services, improving access to care, and ensuring a healthier future for all residents. Your input will directly influence the development of programs and resources that better meet our community's needs. We appreciate your time and valuable insights!

Encuesta de Salud Comunitaria (2025)

¡Construyamos juntos una comunidad más saludable! Nos asociamos con NCH, el Departamento de Salud de Florida en el Condado Collier y Healthcare Network para realizar una encuesta comunitaria sobre las necesidades de atención médicas. Su participación es crucial para identificar brechas en los servicios, mejorar el acceso a la atención y garantizar un futuro más saludable para todos los residentes. Su opinión influirá directamente en el desarrollo de programas y recursos que satisfagan mejor las necesidades de nuestra comunidad. ¡Apreciamos su tiempo y sus valiosos conocimientos!

Offering Assistance to People with Disabilities

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Our Mission and Vision

Welcome to the Center for Independent Living of the Gulf Coast website! Our mission is to offer assistance to people with disabilities in fulfilling their goals of independence and self-sufficiency. See how our work is changing lives!

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Support Independence

When you donate to CIL Gulf Coast, you directly help people with disabilities gain better independence and reach their life goals. Donating is simple and secure. 100% of your donation is tax-deductible. We thank you for your support. 

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